Wednesday 15 November 2017

November News

Hi everyone,

We've had a very busy month - let's look at what's happened, what's happening, and what's ahead!

We had our Remembrance Day Assembly last Friday, and Miss Barrett and I were very proud of our students who participated in our presentation of "Highway of Heroes" by the Trews.  Some students sang, others placed flowers, all were respectful.  It was also a school spirit day, where students were asked to dress up in formal wear, and we were not disappointed.  Our students looked wonderful that day and demonstrated excellent behaviour and character.

Progress Reports also went home on November 10th.  We've asked that envelopes be returned so that we can reuse them for the Term 1 and Term 2 reports.  You're welcome to keep them after Term 2 is done!

This week, Miss Barrett and I welcomed Teacher Candidates from Lakehead University into our classrooms.  Miss Madison Byblow and Miss Alana Czapran will be with us in a learning/teaching capacity until December 15th.  Please join us in welcoming them into our community!

In Math, over the past few weeks, students have been learning about angles and triangles. Tomorrow they will be having a test on identifying triangles based on side length and angle type.  We used Plickers on Tuesday as a review - have you heard of Plickers?  Ask your child to explain it - it's a great tool, and students get immediate feedback! The following graphic may be helpful in preparing for the assessment.

We have conferences coming up in the next two days - we have them from 3:50-9:00pm on Thursday, and from 8:50-11:50am on Friday morning.  Please make all attempts to be on time, as Miss Barrett and I have 52 conferences to conduct and we will be on a very tight schedule! We appreciate your consideration :) If you don't know your conference time, please ask your student to confirm tomorrow, as we will not be able to do so once our conferences begin. *This means that Friday is a PD Day for students - please do NOT send your kids to school!! We love them, but don't want them all there that day!


We are going to see Wonder!  On November 29, the Grade 5 and 6 classes at Fieldcrest are going to the theater in Newmarket to see Wonder, which is an incredible novel that many of our students have enjoyed. Food options are available for a price of $6 (popcorn and a small drink) and $7.50 (nachos and a small drink). Please include this in your payment.

Looking ahead, we have many activities planned for late November and December - please stay tuned for these important days!

Have a great evening,
Mrs. Skelton Wright :)

End of January!

Hi everyone, Sorry for the long-delayed update! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Our students have had an amazing (as always!) few months.  I'm so grat...