Sunday 1 October 2017

Thank you!

Hi everyone,

Thank you to all who made it out to Meet-the-Teacher night!  It was wonderful to meet you all :)  If you did not have a chance to sign up for Parent-Teacher conferences in November, information will be coming home soon with available times.  Miss Barrett and I will be conducting our conferences as a team so that you get a complete overview of your child's academic progress.

A side note of concern from your children's teachers... we have noticed a high volume of students leaving during instructional time to use the washroom.  We consistently reinforce that students should be using washroom facilities at Nutrition Break and Recess, as the constant leaving during instruction disrupts learning of many students.  Our policy is that students must travel in pairs (for safety), so it not only interrupts the learning of one student, but also that of the student who escorts him or her into the school. We recognize that emergencies do arise, and are absolutely willing to accommodate in those situations. Please review this with your child so that we may minimize the disruptions to student learning. Thank you :)

We are continuing to accept food bank donations, as Thanksgiving is just around the corner!  Please consider donating to this worthy cause.

Hot lunch orders are due no later than Tuesday, October 3. Orders can be placed via paper copy (that was sent home last week) or by the online portal for parents.

Our calendar has been updated (see the bottom of the home page of the blog), and there are some quizzes, assessments, and important dates coming up.  Please add them to your calendar at home!

Thank you, and have a great Sunday!
Mrs. Skelton Wright :)

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